Agency Terms and Conditions

Feed One Feed All (FOFA) supplies meals to communities through our charity partners known as “Agencies”.

Our mission is to support those in our community facing food insecurity by providing nutritious home cooked meals, making a difference one meal at a time.

To become an Agency and receive meals from FOFA, organisations should submit an initial expression of interest through the 'Contact Us' page on our website (Website). Following this, organisations may be invited to complete An application form through the "Agency Application" page on our Website.

Once approved and registered, Agencies are expected to adhere to and comply with the FOFA Agency Terms and Conditions as outlined below and as amended from time to time.

The Agency agrees that:

  1. The Agency is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).

  2. The Agency is the holder of a current public liability insurance policy and will provide FOFA with a certificate of currency, a copy of the policy and/or other policy details, upon FOFA's request.

  3. The Agency acknowledges that the food items donated by FOFA (Food Items) may contain allergens. Neither FOFA, nor the original donor of the Food Items, provide any warranties or guarantees as to the Food Items' quality and/or fitness for purpose.

  4. FOFA currently supplies all Food Items from its facility at the Resound Church in Scoresby, Victoria (Pick-up Facility), however the location of the Pick-up Facility may be subject to change at short notice. It is the responsibility of the Agency to organise collection of the relevant Food Items during the designated hours from the Pick-up Facility, at their own cost.

  5. Food Items will be allocated at FOFA’s sole and absolute discretion and FOFA cannot guarantee that all requests made by the Agency will be fulfilled.

  6. The Agency has effective procedures in place for the transport, security, storage, handling and distribution of the Food Items to meet all applicable food safety regulations and legislation.

  7. The Agency undertakes to:

    (a) inspect all Food Items upon receipt and satisfy itself of their quality and fitness for human consumption;

    (b) to immediately cease distributing or otherwise using any Food Items should they not appear to be of a suitable quality or fit for human consumption, and immediately notify FOFA of the same;

    (c) advise recipients of the ingredients in the Food Items and of any food safety requirements (e.g. the period in which Food Items should be consumed and how Food Items should be stored);

    (d) store and handle the Food Items in a safe and secure manner;

    (e) distribute or otherwise use the Food Items within a safe timeframe;

    (f) supply their own equipment and packaging to safely receive, store, handle and distribute the Food Items;

    (g) promptly return any equipment or re-usable packaging provided by FOFA;

    (h) provide no less than 2 business days' notice if an allocation of Food Items is to be cancelled or rescheduled; and

    (i) comply with all of FOFA's reasonable directions with respect to the transportation, storage, handling and distribution of the Food Items.

  8. The Agency acknowledges that as a public benevolent institution, FOFA supplies Food Items for in-need recipients that are facing poverty, sickness, destitution, helplessness, suffering, misfortune, disability or distress . The Agency agrees to use reasonable measures to ensure Food Items are only distributed to, or otherwise accessed by, individuals that meet this criteria.

  9. The Agency must not sell any Food Item or product received from FOFA, even if proceeds from such sales are intended to be used for its own charitable purpose. The Agency must not donate the Food Items to other organisations without FOFA's written consent.

  10. The Agency will distribute Food Items received from FOFA to the community in a manner free from discrimination (i.e. the Agency is prohibited from precluding persons from access to Food Items on the basis of a protected characteristic under Federal or State/Territory anti-discrimination laws such as race, religion or sexual orientation..

  11. The Agency will share details of their food relief program and target recipient groups with FOFA and consent to the release of these details for the purpose of advocacy.

  12. The Agency agrees to liaise and collaborate with FOFA in good faith on press releases, social media, other media activities, grant applications and other activities that are applicable to the partnership between FOFA and the Agency.

  13. 13. The Agency will complete weekly reporting of Food Items distributed and any feedback from recipients in regard to Food Items, preferences and/or suggestions.

  14. The Agency will endeavour to, where possible and in the spirit of partnership and reciprocity, contribute food ingredients to FOFA as well as assist in the delivery of Food Items (including with respect to initiatives involving other charity partners). The Agency recognises that FOFA may provide more Food Items to agencies that reciprocate the contributions made by FOFA, by way of donations of goods, services, grants or other contributions for the preparation of Food Items.

  15. The Agency will notify FOFA of any material changes to their organisation or operations, including changes to key contacts, food handling processes, charity status, purpose, mission statement or food programs within one week of the change occurring.

  16. The Agency acknowledges that FOFA will review the eligibility of its Agencies on a regular basis and that FOFA, in its sole and absolute discretion, may revoke the Agency's eligibility as a FOFA 'Agency'.

  17. The Agency agrees that FOFA can, upon providing no less than 24 hours' notice, inspect the facilities used by the Agency to store, handle and distribute the Food Items and observe the Agency's processes in relation to the same. The Agency will provide access and assistance to facilitate FOFA exercising the inspection and observation rights contained in this clause 16.

  18. The Agency releases both FOFA and any original donor(s) of the Food Items (or part thereof) from any liability resulting from the condition and/or consumption of the donated food and, further, agrees to indemnify and hold FOFA and the original donor(s) of the Food Items harmless against all claims, liabilities, costs, actions, or expenses incurred by the indemnitees arising out of, or in consequence of, the Agency failing to comply with the terms of the Agreement.

  19. The Agency acknowledges that FOFA reserves the right to immediately end the relationship contemplated under these terms and conditions if the Agency does not meet any of these terms and conditions, or if the Agency carries out any activity deemed, in FOFA's sole and absolute discretion, to bring FOFA or the emergency relief sector into disrepute.

  20. The Agency acknowledges and agrees that FOFA may unilaterally amend these terms and conditions from time to time. FOFA will notify the Agency of any substantial changes made to these terms and conditions and the Agency will have an opportunity to terminate the Agreement if the changes are unacceptable to it.

  21. No joint venture or formal legal association is created between FOFA and the Agency other than as expressly set out in these terms and conditions.